Live Webinars


Live Webinars

All live webinars have an interactive component in the form of a question and answer session. You can type your questions in the allocated box under the presentation window and the y will be addressed at the end of the live webinar. These live webinars of different lengths (30 min to 120 min) are presented on hot topics, regulatory guidance, manufacturing and quality compliance regulations, approval process, and relevant Best Practices (GMP, GDP, GCP, GLP, GVP, GPP, GTP, …) in drugs, medical devices, combination products, food & food ingredients, dietary supplements, and complimentary & alternative medicine. We cover theses subject globally (North America, European Union, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Africa, and Middle East). Simply search by category then browse to find the document you need. The PDF file of the presentation will be e-mailed to you 24 hours before the presentations. We will have a survey after the completion of all of our courses to collect your feedback for future improvements. You can print your certificate of attendance from the e-mail you receive upon filling out the survey after the session. New courses are added on a daily basis so please check often.
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